Importance Of Donation

Donations for cow service

There is a special mention of cow in Sanatan Dharma. From every religious ritual to every ritual the special importance of the cow has been described. According to atharvaveda- 'Dhenu Sadanam Rainam' means cow is the original source of prosperity. Cow is a symbol of prosperity and abundance. Cow is the source of nourishment of creation. She is the mother. According to the outline of the universe, the abode of the cow is considered to be a source of positive energy. Cow is the only animal on this earth which is called mother, cow service means serving Mother Nature directly because cow can be called sarva janani. All things related to cow like milk, curd butter, ghee, cow dung and cow urine are all endowed with amazing properties. Cow has not only religious and spiritual significance but also astrological significance. According to astrology, cow worship is especially beneficial for the peace of 09 planets.

Rs. 5167 of Rs. 16,000 raised

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