Sam Sadhana Param Yoga

A practice that takes a human being on a wonderful journey from Sadhana to Chetna (Consciousness). When a Person embarks on this ultimate journey with the goal of cultivating himself, it begins with cultivating his body. This journey of disciplined meditation reaches to the mind through the body and changes your whole life. This process can be measured by changing your behaviour. Param Guru Radheshyam ji, with years of research and practice, discovered such a yoga practice which is very easy to do and its result is more than expected. The ultimate principle of relative self is the basic mantra of this yoga practice. The ultimate principle of relative self means comparing one change with oneself. Continually marking one's own change, one's own development and moving forward as a conscious human.

Note- The time table for the whole month of Sam Sadhana Param Yoga is made available to the visitors in the ashram. Viewers who want to take advantage of Sam Sadhana through digital medium can book their slot from the website.