Help for deaf and dumb, orphan children and destitute elderly people

There are often people in our society who feel helpless due to various reasons. These include the deaf and mute, who cannot hear or speak, orphan children who are not with their parents and the elderly who feel alone at the end of their lives.

“Param Dham Parivar” aims to provide a companionship and support to all these individuals, so that they can improve their lives. We strive to provide them with education, health services, housing, and other necessary support so that They can make themselves self-reliant.

The aim of Param Dham is that every person has the right to equality, respect and freedom. That is why, we are with all those individuals who are disappointed with various aspects of the society and we inspire them to have new hope and move forward in life. "Param Dham" is not just an organization but a family, which moves together towards individual rights and equality. With your support we can help even more people. Let us move together and transform the society into a capable, dedicated ,And take us to a cooperative position.