Na main guru, Na tu shishya

We are all supreme, we are all special so neither I am guru nor you disciple, just walk together as a companion. Guru's actions will be fulfilled by Guru and disciple's actions that is Guru's disciples are all equal in the eyes of karma. Now days in every religion, every society, and every community there are guiding gurus who show the right path of life.

But this also cannot be denied that in this time, there are many hypocrites in the society who have kept the clutches of superstition on the innocent society. These so-called gurus who do not consider themselves less than God, they not only pretend to be knowledgeable but also fill many kinds of farces in the name of religion. Param Guru Radheshyam ji wants to save the innocent society from these hypocrites. Param Guru Radheshyam ji is making people aware of this superstitious Guru Shishya tradition