
A civilised society cannot be imagined without moral values. Both Charity and Dakshina are the lifeblood of a civilised society. If God has given you any special qualification, then as an aware citizen, it is your moral responsibility to cooperate in building society. Donating requires more ideas than ability. The cooperation done by virtue to inspire the excellent work of gurus and guru institutions for the upliftment of the society comes under the category of Dakshina.

Paramdham Sansthan invites all of you to donate for cow service, charity for the auspicious life of girls and yoga promotion donation for better health. Cow service, kanyadaan and health cooperation have special significance in Sanatan culture. Paramdham Sansthan expresses gratitude to you for this noble cause of virtue, continuous support and support from all over the country and abroad. All the data of public cooperation is being presented to you with full transparency.

Importance Of Donation